IEAB is in solidarity with Haiti

A National Campaign was lauched to raise funds to support Haiti after the tragedy we saw tuesday.
Destruction and pain: two words that sum up the tragedy that struck Haiti. The earthquake that struck the country has create a sad picture that must be overcome with the solidarity of the world. Children walking in the streets alone and injured, without direction, because they have lost their families. Bodies are everywhere. Mother in searching some news about missing children. Families marked by mourning. Lack of water, electricity, medical help, no medicines and all of this in the midst of urgency to bury the countless dead. The Haitian people are really in need of our help and every one of us must to offer concrete help.
Restoring hope and a decent future in Haiti is a difficult task, but if we each give our small collaboration will overcome this challenge. Governments, churches and organizations around the world are doing their part. Are contributing to the reconstruction of this beloved people. The Episcopal Anglican Church of Brazil, moved by solidarity, also unites this current and is launching the Campaign Solidarity with Haiti.
All donations will be sent to Episcopal Relief Development for support the work of rebuilding the country.
We are not a wealthy church but we have a rich heart and our prayers are being raised to God for those in Haiti through our thoughts and actions.

The Revd. Canon Francisco de Assis da Silva
Provincial Secretary

Posted via email from conxico's posterous


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