Political poverty: an analyses on the Rio+20

I reaffirm my disappointment with the outcome document from the official Conference Rio+20. 

The governments representation has to present clear excuses to the Civil Society. Despite all efforts, the voices from People`s Summit was sistematically ignored. The geographical distance between Aterro do Flamengo and Rio Centro was also political!

Some of the diplomatic representatives - specially from the North - try to justify that this Conference was handed in a financial turmoil in Europe and the focus from their governments were in try to manage  economic stability. The question is: stability for who?

They have no excuses. Billions of euros had been spended in save banks and governamental budgets. To maintain the same under same rules.

The fact that no clear commitment with financial changes and also with fiscal policies within the Rio+20 Final Document reveals the lack of political will to change. A lot of words and a lack of will.

Unfortunately the brazilian government also failed to push the Conference in a more progressive way and the Conference was transformed in a shamed  mis en scene !

My sense is that we lost time, money and energy to stay at the same place. No new vision on efective protection of environment. No new perspective on a concept about development. And no new advance in an ethical perspective on wellbeing!
A poor Conference: ethically and politically!

ACT Vice Moderator


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