How to be a gift from God this Christmas?

First, seeing the world through the eyes of God and finding in it the beauty of Creation. From this look, we will be ready to avoid that the profit and selfishness lead the world to be destroyed.
second, loving the world with God's heart, preventing people disregard their neighbors and to cultivate a culture of exclusion and poverty.
third, caring each other with kindness, preventing that people ignore the needs of others, violating rights and cultivating a culture in which the strong and powerful will always have primacy
finally, living the humility of the divine child, who assumed our humanity avoiding ourselves consider more than we are at the center of our being.
So, with pure eyes, heart, love, kindness and humility we will ready to build a new society where everyone can live the fullness of life.
To buid another possible world is at hand. It depends only from our ability to learn what God tells us through Christmas!


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