Impressions from Hong Kong

My debut as a member of this important body within our Communion is giving me greater awareness on the diversity of our church.

The Church in Hong Kong received us all with a warmest feeling of hospitality. Kindness and promptness in offer to us a very organized event looking for everything that make us touched for their witness as brothers and sisters in Christ.

The first thing I would like to point is the important fact that we can stay together with a large difference of roles and Provincial styles related to the job of a Provincial Secretary. This makes the event even more exciting in way to offer rich approaches.

Beyond that, is clear that this three yearly meeting permits every Provincial Secretary to update its own comprehension on the dynamic and changeable context of our Communion.

The Hong Kong’s Conference is offering a singular opportunity to show how as Provincial Secretaries we can contribute for more inter-dependence between our Provinces in terms of strengthens and weakness that each of it has.

This interdependence has been raised more during this Conference trough a daily sharing of word and sacrament. At the table we are all so little children before our God.

We are different in many ways: theology, culture, making-decisions experiences, etc. but this difference is not a problem. In contrast it helps us to hear one another with love, humble attitude and openness of mind.

May God bless our meeting and inspires all of us to build more and more close relationships that enables our Communion to be relevant in a world that ask us as Christians to be more effectively in our mission!


Rev Fr. Anthony disse…
Thanks you Francisco. This is a wonderful piece of work within this short time.

Keep it up and through this we will be constantly linked to one another.

May the Almighty God richly bless your good works.

West Africa

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